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Event | 2025 |
*Fasts of Zechariah - 10th Month | JAN 9 |
*Purim | MAR 13-14 |
**Passover (at sunset) | APR 11 |
Feast of Unleavened Bread | APR 12-18 |
Pentecost | JUN 1 |
*Fasts of Zechariah - 4th Month | JUL 4 |
*Fasts of Zechariah - 5th Month | AUG 3 |
Feast of Trumpets | SEP 22 |
*Fasts of Zechariah - 7th Month | SEP 24 |
Day of Atonement | OCT 1 |
Feast of Tabernacles | OCT 6-12 |
Last Great Day | OCT 13 |
*Feast of Dedication | DEC 15-22 |
*Fasts of Zechariah - 10th Month | DEC 30 |
* Not a Holy Day, Fasts refer to the Fasts of Zechariah
** Passover observed at sunset on the date listed
All Holy Days begin at sunset of the previous calendar day
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